Chelsea Surrogacy Advisors offers a range of services tailored to your individual needs.
There are many different approaches to surrogacy, it's a unique experience for every intended parent. That's why our services are designed to inform & empower.
Like parenting, surrogacy is a process.
While surrogacy is a wonderful way to start a family, it is also a very complex, emotionally charged journey which lacks robust regulation, and where services designed to assist intended parents are often riddled with conflicts of interest, detrimental to intended parents.
Where to start and whom to trust are questions that must be answered before embarking on this path to parenthood where money and emotion often collide, and hope and anxiety can be constant companions.
At Chelsea Surrogacy Advisors, we empower intended parents by providing them with expert, impartial guidance, that becomes a critical component of reducing emotional and financial exposure.
In an industry which lacks federal regulation and strict agency guidelines, we educate parents before they meet with a surrogacy or matching agency. We take them through every aspect of the process from how different agency business models directly impact IPs, to teaching IPs to vet agencies, and providing them with best practices throughout the process.
We are the Pause Button.
We know that you wanted to start your family yesterday and ache to hold your child in your arms. We did too. Surrogacy is a very intense, emotional journey where one's judgement can easily be clouded. We are here to help ensure that the decisions you make are driven by facts and industry knowledge rather than merely emotions.
Complimentary Phone Consultation
All aspects of a surrogacy journey require research including researching us. That’s why we offer a complimentary 30-minute phone session so that you can learn about us, what we do, our ethics and standards, and WHY we do what we do. We, of course, leave plenty of time to learn about you and your journey, to answer your questions, and to point you in the direction of your dreams.
In-depth Consult
Our in-depth consult is designed to educate and empower you with the knowledge you need to embark safely and confidently on your surrogacy journey.
A sample of the topics we include are the following:
Do I need an agency? What do they do?
How do I vet an agency and gestational carrier profile?
What are the different type of agency structures and their respective pros and cons?
The agency/intended parent/gestational carrier relationship can be complicated. How is it managed?
Can agencies be impartial, or do they favor one party over the other?
Will the carrier want to keep my baby?
The importance and long-term impact of matching with the right carrier
Legal Issues
Medical and Psychological screenings
Insurance Needs
How to spot red flags
360 Degree View
Our 360 degree program starts with an In-Depth Consult, and assists parents as they delve further into the process. We will be with you as you assemble your team, examine carrier profiles, and answer questions, providing troubleshooting expertise until the arrival of your little bundle(s) of joy.
A la Carte Services
For those who may already have a list of potential agencies or a general idea of the surrogacy process, we tailor our expertise to your needs.
Agency Audits
Carrier Profile Review
Gestational Carrier Search
On-going Support
Active Advocacy